In the middle of the ...

100 days


100 days

jayjean 2008. 2. 20. 08:23
한동안 우리나라의 미국 드라마 팬들을 안타깝게 했던 미국 작가 노조의 파업이 100일이 지나서 풀렸다.
작가와 같이 계약조건이  프리랜서에 가까운 직종인 사람들이 조합을 만들고 파업을 한다는 것도 우리에겐 생소한데, 미국이라는 건 더더욱 신기하게 보일 듯.
전국 텔레비젼 네트웍을 보유한 거대 스튜디오에 대해 자신들의 권익을 보호하는 방법은 결국 조직(길드)를 만들어 뭉치는 것은 당연한 전략이었겠지만 그 조직을 유지하고 같이 투쟁하는 것이 쉽지는 않을터이다.
그럼에도 100일간의 파업을 지켜냔 것도 대단하고 많은 비지니스 관계자들 (특히 유명인들)이 비난하기 보다는 입장을 이해하고 중재를 위해 최대한 노력하는 모습 등은 lay-off가 일상화 되어버린 미국의 노동환경에서도 단체행동권에 대한 이해의 수준이 우리보다는 몇배나 성숙함을 보여준것이 아닌가 싶다.

뉴욕타임즈에 실린 그 100일간의 영상 기록.

The 100-Day Writers’ Strike: A Timeline

StrikeStriking members of the Writers Guild of America, West rally in Hollywood, California on Wednesday. (Mario Anzuoni/Reuters)

The Writers Guild of America strike ended at the 100-day mark after a vote by guild members. Here is how the strike commenced and concluded:

INSERT DESCRIPTIONMembers of the Writers Guild of America hold signs on the first day of the strike. (Armando Arorizo/Bloomberg News)

Oct. 22: Guild members vote to authorize a strike

Oct. 31: Writers’ guild contract expires

Nov. 1: Writers meet, make plans to strike

Nov. 2: Guild announces a Nov. 5 strike start

Nov. 5: Picket lines form in New York and Los Angeles

Nov. 6: Producers alliance predicts a long strike

Nov. 6: Strikers stop writing, start blogging and video-taping

INSERT DESCRIPTIONTina Fey, the NBC star, walks the picket line in New York on Nov. 5. (Librado Romero/The New York Times)

Nov. 7: Show-runners side with the guild

Nov. 7: Fox becomes the first network to revise its schedule

Nov. 8: Networks improvise; reality will fill the scripted voids

Nov. 9: Celebrities lend support on picket lines

Nov. 14: As late-night jokes go stale, viewers switch channels

Strike on YouTubeIn this image from YouTube, the writers of “The Daily Show” present a satire strike newscast in mid-November. (YouTube)

Nov. 16: TV Guide cancels an online video awards show

Nov. 16: Producers play hardball in public

Nov. 19: Writers gain a P.R. advantage online

Nov. 21: Thousands attend Hollywood writers’ rally

Nov. 26: Writers, producers resume negotiations

Nov. 27: Carson Daly becomes first late-night host to return

Nov. 28: The strike: almost over, or just starting?

Dec. 3: NBC lays off “Tonight Show” workers; Jay Leno pays salaries

StrikePickets march beneath a billboard for the Fox TV series “Bones” outside the entrance to Twentieth Century-Fox Studios in Los Angeles on Nov. 5. (Reed Saxon/AP)

Dec. 3: Popular series begin to run out of episodes

Dec. 8: Writers’ talks collapse amid acrimony

Dec. 10: Guild leader accuses studios of lying repeatedly

Dec. 11: TV critics cancel the January press tour

Dec. 12: Networks begin to re-think May upfronts

Dec. 12: Studios say strike is causing “serious economic damage”

Dec. 13: Directors guild plans separate talks with studios

Dec. 14: Guild files labor practices complaint against studios

Dec. 17: Production on TV series virtually ceases

Jay LenoJay Leno, host of “The Tonight Show,” visited the picket lines several times in California. (AP)

Dec. 17: Jay Leno and Conan O’Brien announce returns; later, Jimmy Kimmel, Jon Stewart, and Stephen Colbert do too

Dec. 19: Question marks hover over awards shows

Dec. 26: The strike takes a holiday hiatus

Dec. 27: Guild hires two political consultants

Dec. 28: David Letterman announces Jan. 2 return, with writers

Dec. 28: The studios attempt to produce a viral video

INSERT DESCRIPTIONDavid Letterman returned to “The Late Show” on Jan. 2. (J.P. Filo/CBS)

Jan. 2: Late-night hosts return; guild complains about Leno’s writing

Jan. 4: Advertisers thankful for return of late-night TV

Jan. 5: Some production companies sign interim agreements with guild

Jan. 6: NBC wrestles with Golden Globe dilemma; the awards are later repackaged as a press conference

Jan. 11: Media companies downplay effects of the strike

Jan. 11: Signs of discontent over strike tactics emerge

Jan. 12: Studios begin severing deals with writers, producers

The Golden Globes were deflated and transformed into a press conference. (J. Emilio Flores for The New York Times)

Jan. 14: Viewers yawn at Golden Globes press conference

Jan. 17: Directors guild reaches contract deal with studios

Jan. 17: Studios offer “informal talks” to writers guild

Jan. 21: Writers hold mass picket at Paramount

Jan. 22: Guild takes reality, animation proposals off the table

Jan. 23: Reacting to strike, NBC says it will reduce pilot orders

Jan. 25: The SAG awards, with writers, go off as planned

Jan. 29: NBC’s Jeff Zucker cites strike as “opportunity for change”

Writers Guild of America East president Michael Winship explained the terms of the tentative deal at a meeting on Feb. 9. (Patrick Andrade for The New York Times)

Jan. 31: Closed-door talks are jolted by the actions of some guild leaders

Feb. 2: Informal talks eliminate most roadblocks to a new contract; deal seems near

Feb. 4: Hollywood hopes for a settlement soon

Feb. 9: Writers announce a “tentative deal”

Feb. 9: Cautious optimism permeates guild meetings

Feb. 12: Writers vote to end the strike

Related links:
Strike Fallout: A Complete Guide to How Your Favorite Shows Are Affected
TV Decoder: Strike coverage
Times Topics: Writers Guild of America
Slideshow: Writers on Strike

  • far...
  • 1.

    If Studios and DGA would not have come to agreement this day would never would have happen.

    — Posted by Joe

  • 2.

    I am glad they are back. I was worried reality show would take over. Still, in many ways it looks to be a pyric victory, Pilots are canceled in mass. Lesser shows are gone before they can develop a following. There will be less work and less money out than ever before.

    I hope the really good stuff on HBO, Showtime, AMC and some of SciFi, is not affected.

    — Posted by Mark

  • 3.

    There was a writers’ strike?! Hm, guess I hadn’t noticed.

    — Posted by JJ

  • 4.

    The companies’ case was weak from the get-go, belied by their huge profits, and their credibility even weaker because of decades of shameless accounting chicanery. The writers were finally fed up with it, and for once had the advantage of savvy union leadership on both coasts. The companies unwisely pushed the scribes to the tipping point: we either had to prevail or see the possibilities of more than a few of us achieving viable careers as a full-time writer go the way of videotapes. The writers won by studying and understanding the other side’s business environment, offering reasonable and feasible formulae, and telling the truth. The companies failed their shareholders until they did the same. Insatiable greed, let alone contempt for your most valuable suppliers, is not a viable business plan.

    — Posted by Mark Miller

  • 5.

    Welcome writers, into the Strange New World of lower salaries, less work, and personal blame. In the process of the 100 day strike, you writers (and some SGA’ers) have somehow taken on the stature of ugly, greedy, and now responsible for the bad plots and bad jokes. We never knew!

    — Posted by frank

  • 6.

    I am glad they strike was settled before it had a major impact on daytime drama. I do not watch a great deal of primetime—only two regularly NCIS and House, but I am a Guiding Light junkie! I hope that the writers can get back on track and write strong and enteraining scripts.

    — Posted by Tracey

  • 7.

    On the contrary Joe. If the DGA had had some backbone they would have a better deal than they got.

    The Producers caved because the WGA gave back on animation and reality shows and got a much better deal than the DGA did by kowtowing.

    And Frank…wishful thinking. They’re salaries are fine and they got most of what they were after. (No one ever expects to get it all in these things, where have you been?) There are about 5 of you that think the Writers are greedy.

    How is it you read the papers and still come up with that kind of thinking?

    — Posted by John