dallas air guiatrlist contest
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전미 Air Guitarlist 경연대회 댈러스 예선이 있었는데 1~3위까지를 다른 지역 사람이 차지했다고.
air guitarlist라는게 실제가 아닌 가상 기타. 즉 맨손으로 기타치는 흉내를 제일 잘 내는 사람을 뽑는 대회.
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New air guitar champ named 
09:29 AM CDT on Thursday, June 21, 2007
Dallas, your airness has been crowned. But be ashamed. Be very ashamed.
The winner of the Dallas stop on the U.S. Air Guitar Championships tour is a foreigner. Heck, Texas couldn't even take second place. Or third.
Denver straightedge twins Stryker and Big Rig (contestants use stage names) swept the top two honors with prophetic confidence. The winner wore gold Spand
ex tights as he was doused with water in the final round; his bro stage-dived twice in silver ones. Poetically, bushy-bearded Springfield, Mo., refugee Slick Whiskers sported a bronze-ish hue in a custom-made cape while taking third.
Not that the sellout morass of rowdy, mostly frat punks at this 21-and-over event cared much who won. To them, watching schmucks throw down this kind of rock 'n' roll tomfoolery is a way of life, whether at the House of Blues' Cambridge Room or the Greek house down the street.
But the 14 contestants didn't fret much, either. Uh, check that: They fretted plenty. But all had a ball doing the dirty air-guitar deed, even if most native entrants ended up looking dirt cheap.
"They just didn't dig my vibe," said Cameron Cox, a.k.a. Johnny Lavender, a beefy Dentonite who donned face paint and a light-purple boa, wig, scarf a
nd tights to high kick to Mötley Crüe's "Dr. Feelgood." "I planned my routine based on the stage. But I didn't get any love."
"To be honest, I'm not really disappointed at all," said Dallasite Clint Walker, who performed unimaginatively as Lonestar to "My Sharona" by the Knack. "It's all about having fun. But I didn't expect this kind of talent. I mean, people coming from Denver?"
Yes, those twins are ringers. beer-spittin' James Hetfield look-alike Big Rig had won two air-guitar contests before, but none this year; recent convert Stryker makes the duo exude "some mad Cain and Abel [expletive]," said host Björn Türoque (real name: Dan Crane). One was pretty much bound to win the trip to compete at the U.S. finals on Aug. 16 in New York City.
But Dallas had a chance. "Me and the other judges ho
nestly didn't know what to expect," said Chandler of "Jack FM" KJKK-FM (100.3) after the preliminaries. "But we're all pleasantly surprised." That's because two of the finalists were homeboys: Johnny von Fretmaster, who tickled the air with flair to a shred-a-second anthem by Dragonforce, and Buck Nasty, who got stupid nutty to Ram Jam's 1977 remake of the Leadbelly jam "Black Betty."
But the Fretmaster "lost the juju" in the finals, and Buck Nasty – even with a first-place finish in the prelims and a giggly and enthused cheering section – just flailed and wailed pointlessly to the final round's appropriate mystery song: Skid Row's "Youth Gone Wild."
What's the point of air guitar as competition? Good dirty fun, and a little liquor-induced hero worship. If Mr. Cox can get invited to perform at a sorority-chick birthday party while looking like a cross between Prince and Ziggy Stardust puffed up on steroids, there gotta be som
ething to it.
But Dallas. C'mon. Clear the air next year. (There will be a next year; this event is bound to market itself better now that Air Guitar Nation has become a minor cult film and Mr. Crane's book, To Air Is Human, is on shelves).
Win this thing in 2008. Because right now, our air-guitar rep stinks.